BIO Clustermanagement NRW GmbH
Merowingerplatz 1
40225 Duesseldorf, Germany
Registered as a GmbH in Duesseldorf
Reg. No. HRB 65649, VAT ID: DE279873727
Dr. Bernward Garthoff, CEO
phone: +49 (0) 211 942 150 49
mail: info@bioclustermanagement.de
web: www.bioclustermanagement.de
The GmbH creates the information for this website with great care and endeavors to ensure timeliness, correctness and completeness. All contents are intended for general information only and do not constitute any business, legal or other advisory service. The GmbH accepts no responsibility and is not liable for any damage caused by the use of the offer, unless proven by intent or gross negligence.
The laws, regulations and decrees published on this website have been carefully compiled, but do not claim to be current or complete. This Internet offer refers to numerous other offers on the Internet. The content of such offers may have been designed by institutions over which the GmbH has no control. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the GmbH. The GmbH assumes no liability for offers of third parties.
If you find on the pages of this Internet site or on those to which reference is made, questionable or illegal content, the GmbH is grateful for relevant information. We point out that individual pages of this website or this website may be modified, supplemented or deleted without prior notice. Likewise, the temporary or permanent termination of publication is possible without prior notice.
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Heiko Marcher
Nikolausstraße 8
59329 Wadersloh
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