Founded: 22/12/2015

Address: Charles-de-Gaulle-Platz 1d

City: Cologne


Country: Germany

Contact person: Dr. Sebastian Pünzeler

Phone: 0049 30 58 58 44 012


Technology interest: Coparion provides venture capital to accelerate momentum and growth. With our current active fund of EUR 225 million we have the means to do so. We support entrepreneurial vision with our know-how, but without intervening in daily business operations. Thanks to 25+ years of team experience in venture capital and in building companies, we discern potentials and open up new perspectives. We have the substance, tenacity and creativity required to mutually manage difficult situations successfully.

History: Past investments (company names (examples)): HepaRegeniX

Requirements:. We only invest with other co-investors. Our focus is on German companies in the start-up and early growth phase. Per company we invest up to EUR 10 million, usually in several financing rounds of EUR 0.5-3 million each.